AMERIDRIVES Elementos de acoplamiento para transmisiones mecanicas


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Elementos de acoplamiento para transmisiones mecanicas

Flechas Cardan y Alargaderas

Gear Couplings - Standard and Modified Designs Ameriflex® Diaphragm Couplings Amerigear® Mill Spindles Amerigear® Gear Couplings Industrial and Off-Highway Americardan Universal Driveshafts
Amerigear® high performance Class I Gear Couplings Amerigear® Gear Couplings Amerigear® Mill Spindles Ameriflex® Diaphragm Couplings Ameridisc® Special Purpose Couplings

Gear Coupling Product Catalogs

Amerigear Standard Gear Couplings (609-ADV)
FAST® Labyrinth Seal "drop-in" replacement Coupling (784-ADV)
Amerigear Class I Gear Couplings (462-ADV)

Gear Spindles and U-Joint Product Catalogs

Amerigear Mill Spindles (747-ADV)
High Misalignment Gear Couplings SF and SL Series (779-ADV)
High-Capacity Industrial Universal Joints (774-ADV)

Diaphragm Coupling Product Catalogs

Ameriflex Diaphragm Couplings (741-ADV)
Ameriflex Diaphragm Couplings - Metric Edition (749-ADV)

Ameriflex NC Diaphragm Couplings (HP2-ADV)

Installation and Maintenance Manuals Ameriflex Installation and Maintenance Manual (367-SH)
Ameriflex NC Installation and Maintenance Manual (HP3-NCIM)
Amerigear 200 Series Installation and Maintenance Manual (104-SHA)
General Purpose Gear Couplings Maintenance Guide - (374-SH)
Universal Joints Installation and Maintenance Manual (376-SH)
SM Mill Spindle Installation and Maintenance Manual (377-SH)
SL Gear Spindle Installation and Maintenance Manual (378-SH)
Amerigear SF Spindle Installation and Maintenance Manual (381-SH)

General Info Driveline Connections (635-ADV)
Universal Joints Trouble Shooting (364-SH)
Rolling Mill / Bore Repair (766-ADV)
Design and Selection for Universal Joints for Rolling Mills (776-ADV)
Ameriflex for Electric Power Plants (758-ADV)
Non-Lubricated Coupling Service Life and Failure Modes (765-ADV)
Gear Couplings Selection Guide (336-S)
Rebuild and Retrofit Program